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Township Clerk

The regular monthly meeting of the Crete Township Board is conducted live at the Town Hall located at 1367 Wood Street in Crete,  on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.

During the COVID pandemic, the regular monthly meeting and other public Township meetings may be accessed via Zoom video conferencing.  If you are interested in obtaining login information for any public Township meetings on Zoom, please contact the Township Office at 708-672-8279 or email us at for login credentials.”

The Township Clerk

The clerk is ex-officio clerk of the highway district and the local election authority and keeps all town records except for active general assistance case records. The clerk also is responsible for posting legal announcements for the township.

The person for this job is meticulous, accurate and punctual. An understanding of the law as it applies to local government is helpful.

The township clerk is keeper of all township records except for active general assistance cases. The clerk is required to keep accurate records of all township board meetings and maintain records of the board’s executive sessions. (Statute requires these minutes be reviewed every six months.)

During town board meetings the clerk records roll call votes. (Certain questions require roll call votes, such as appointments to fill vacancies, establishing salaries, etc. Other votes can be taken by voice. Secret ballots are never permitted on any issue facing the township board.)

The clerk also serves as the local election authority and is responsible for accepting petitions concerning township elections and/or referendums. In this capacity, the clerk is responsible for publishing or posting certain specific notices, including notices for the highway commissioner.

As ex-officio clerk of the road district, the township clerk maintains all records for the highway commissioner. The clerk must also witness bid openings for both the township and the road district. The clerk must countersign all road district orders for payment prior to audit or approval by the township board. The clerk also delivers all approved claims for payment to the supervisor.

The position of clerk is especially important as it pertains to the maintenance of records. The integrity and accuracy of the clerk is important in any court.

Clerical may evolve from the word clerk, but the clerk is not necessarily the township board’s secretary. However, much as a competent secretary is a vital cog in the machinery of a well-oiled office, the township clerk is critical to the operation of township government.